
Coronavirus Video: Be Kind to Yourself



Have you ever experienced drastic change? Change that affects your ability to sleep or focus? These are very normal reactions to what you're going through and it's important to be kind to yourself. Here are some simple reminders to help you navigate this time of change.

Content developed by the Anglicare Youth Services team.

The Anglicare Youth Services team consists of staff from a mix of government and donor funded programs. The team come from social work, psychology and counselling backgrounds. They all work alongside young people who are facing challenges in their personal, family and school situations to help them change things for the better. The types of things they help with range from advocating with other services; helping young people in the youth justice system; sorting out practical things like getting ID, bank accounts or jobs; learning how to be a better friend (or boyfriend/girlfriend); managing mental health symptoms; and helping repair family relationships. Anglicare Youth Services also run drop-in groups in partnership with local churches and psychoeducational groups in schools
